Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.

Uschi is almost 5 months. Almost. A few weeks ago her pediatrician told me that she probably would be ready for solids between now and 6 months. I started reading some books, last weekend Edward and I bought spoons and bowls. We hadn't even gotten rice cereal, the perennial favorite for starters. Yesterday my brother, Nat, was eating a big bowl of cereal. Uschi looked at it and started wailing (which is VERY atypical for her). She was so mad I didn't give her any cereal. So we had to go out and get the darn stuff, because like I said we didn't think she'd be ready for food this early. So today was the big day. Milk was not enough and Uschi let me know how inadequate it was. Anyway, I honestly thought that she would maybe be overwhelmed or change her mind about this whole new food thing. No, no. She got extremely angry in the evening and demanded another serving. I realize that there are those of you who think that I should have stuck with the typical one serving a day thing. But really, Uschi is certainly my boss and she would let me have it if I didn't give her the appropriate portions.


Wallace Clan said...

Love it! She's your boss. lol. So we have a crap ton of rice if you want some. We get 3 boxes a month with WIC. My son does not eat 3 boxes a month. Let me know if you want some!

MWilde said...

Ha ha! Ethan loves baby food too. There are few things in the world he loves more. Paper and electrical cords come to mind. ;)
I love how much of a personality Uschi has already!

JesseandJessieZawalski said...

I was giving Jaycik fruits and everything he wanted lol. Probably not the best but he loved the fruits and rice so I couldn't say no to the little face! I totally understand ya!

Chantelle said...

Haha! Those little ones sure do know how to wrap us around their fingers! ( ;

Jeanette said...

Wow, almost 6 months already? What a big girl!

Will said...

Well, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Ben and Jane Grimmett said...

Hey...Don't worry what we think!!! You're the Mommy! You will know what's best for her! Plus I think you're pretty smart!

betsey said...


We love you and miss you very much. Please post more videos and pictures. We hope you are enjoying your rice cereal.


Nora, Betsey and Richard