Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ethan, Oh Wherefore Art Thou Ethan? Oh Yeah, Utah.

One of Uschi's baby friends just moved away. And she is mad. Very mad. Actually she's just teething. But he was a cute friend and I miss his mommy.(You know you're close friends when you let them poke your eye out.)

This is Uschi's face two seconds later, unfazed and happy.

Here they are full sized (Michelle, Dan and Ethan). See how neat they are? That's right.

Here's Me, Uschi, Dacia, Griffith, Michelle, and Ethan. (Sniffle).


MWilde said...

Yea for friends and poking people's eyes! Boohoo for moving!

Adriane said...

This picture of Uschi getting shived in the eye and then loving her friend still are amazing. My fix is satisfied for the moment! I love you and miss Uschi's sushi pants!

Joel and Dacia said...

OK so everyone looks great in that picture except for me. Lame. Even lamer that two of those lovely people are gone :(

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

You actually ALWAYS look gorgeous, Dacia... but I have to say that Edward only snapped like 2 pictures. (He was pretending to take more). So unfortunately that's all I got. So you'll have to settle for "gorgeous Dacia" and not "more stunning than usual Dacia."

JesseandJessieZawalski said...

You look so happy and your little girl is getting so big! Don't be a stranger girl!

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

We are pretty happy :) But, I know, Jess... I've been sooo lazy! Love you!