Monday, June 22, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Bath time for RADAR II: The Stinkening

RADAR got skunked tonight.

We got him in the bath in about 90 seconds and before the two-minute mark were dumping V8 all over the poor pup. We had no pure tomato juice on hand so we made due. Lets just say that RADAR wasn't a fan and I wasn't too thrilled about scraping the thick bits out of his fur, but...most importantly, it seems to have worked moderately well. I'm a little skunky, the living room has a certain degree of skunkiness and if you get up in RADAR's grill, you'll detect some skunk, but all in all a vast improvement.

We'll keep you posted.


Joel and Dacia said...

That stinks! Literally. I'm so sorry!

Jeanette said...

Oh sad! And to endure that smell while pregnant!

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Fortunately for me Edward didn't hesitate to snag the dog and plop him in the tug. But I have to admit I felt like puking the rest of the night.

Alesa said...

oh no! that's not fun. Can we get some photos of your belly please? I never wanted to post photos of mine, but now I see why people kept asking, it's fascinating when it's NOT you! How are you doing by the way?

Read and Camille King said...

oh man, i am so sorry you had to experience that. i know first hand how freaking bad it sucks. try have two dog getting sprayed in the face two nights in a row. if radar is still stinky try 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a large table spoon of dawn dish soap. (mix them together and scrub him, then sprinkle a lot of baking soda on him and scrub MORE!! this seemed to help. as for the drain in your tub i used driano. good luck hottie!

MWilde said...

Oh, man, sorry you guys! Teeka came really close a couple of times, but didn't actually get sprayed. Hope he's smelling better soon :)

Will said...

Hey, you'll have to tell your (Meredth's) parents that I enjoyed their blog. For some reason, I couldn't leave a comment.