Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Way back in the day...

Once upon a time in 1983... I was 4 years old. I actually remember painting this. Inspired by Jackson Pollock of course. I was talking with my Visiting Teachee (Mormon Speak) about how our personalities are innate. I have always always been drawn to art. It's just weird that I didn't realize that was a key part of my personality. (I'm a little slow at times). If I wrote in my journal I would often illustrate the events, but mostly it was just pictures.

This is an elephant and a very large tulip that I drew in 1rst grade.

Here's the weirdest drawing I found. (Age 8)Heehee. It cracks me up. My drawing of God has noodle arms... so that is a bit peculiar. But it's always reassuring to know that God is better than gold.

Anyway, a bit of shameless self-promotion, I just set up shop with some t-shirts and stuff of my work. You can click the link in the side-bar if you're interested.

The end.


redstarmama said...

Your art is so cool! I love the colors!

andrea gale said...

Dude.I. Love. Your. Art.

God is better than gold. Word up.

betsey said...

I like God's sandles. Very cool. Where can I get a pair?

I always pair tulips and elephants. I think they go perfectly together.

Meridth has an artists soul :)

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Sandals are very comfy and being that He's a busy guy I'm sure they're better than dress shoes.


Will said...

You bring a whole nother meaning to the term noodle-arm. Love it!

Phillip and Mary said...

YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY THE COOLEST PERSON EVER! HOW THE HECK ARE YA! I love the blogging world!!!!!Hermana Mecham here, and I live in Morgantown with your cousin Erika! I just met her last night, got to talking, went on mission, oh, I had a cousin, did you know... WOW! I love your art. I actually wrote a book when I was 11 (a childrens book) and have been thinking all day that we should publish together! Anyway, love the hair, love you, and can't wait to touch base!

BookwormMama said...

Mer, do you not remember the many drama moments we had in school and your journal entries about said-events were just drawing and pictures?!! You have always been an artist!! A very good one at that.

Justin said...

Your drawings at 8 are far beyond anything I have ever done.