Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More Ham than Hamstring

So I just started running. I not really wild about it. I know there are those that really enjoy the thing. Like my friend Ashley who's an absolute addict or my dad who has run 2 marathons and a slew of half marathons. Once upon a time I use to be a pretty fit athlete but I was really good at lifting weights, throwing heavy objects and sprinting fast. But my doctor told me that I should become a marathon runner for health reasons (I have issues with my insulin). So last week was my first week as a "runner." (Not counting the year that I did Cross Country in High School forever ago.) And guess what? I ran 14 miles last week!!! I was so proud of myself that I was telling everybody about it. Anyway, I guess my goals are to get to some sort of zen state ("You know like how many babies can you fit in a tire") and not think about the fact that I'm running. I've been listening to books on tape and that's helped the time pass.

So there you have it...

The end.


Andersons said...

Good luck to you Mer - you're a better women than I!

Sara Wilson Etienne said...

I started running too... around 9 months ago. I found it extremely hellish... profound torture... for a long time. In case you are underestimating my loathing... sometimes I couldn't sleep because I was dreading getting up and running the next morning.

Now, I actually like it a little. What I like is that it's made me a better writer. Weird, huh? I am up and awake earlier, ready to get to work. But more than that, it taught me how to keep putting one foot in front the other, one word in front of the other, even when I HATE it. Even when I'm exhausted. Even when I'm bored. That was invaluable.

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Thanks Jensa...

and Sara, thanks for reflecting my utter enthusiasm (cough). It's nice to know there are others out there doing their best to do what they dislike. I think I'll probably slog through this in my life-time... but it seems like it gets a little easier (?)

Anyway, btw, I'm super sorry that I had to hang out with weirdos with short crew-cuts instead of you and our dog and something delicious. But I'm glad you got the chance to hob nob with the right people and that I didn't piss the Military off.


Studio Gal Shannon said...

No, not 'the end' just the beginning. 14 miles Way to go! Keep us posted on your progress.

Mike and Tia Fam said...

Whoa, 14 miles, I may have ran that much total in the last several years (most of it across campus to avoid being late) -- funny that you just posted about running, I just read another 'back to running' post (if you are interested in a good laugh check out the 'Rach and Ry' link off my blog).
Also . . may I please have your mailing address? For your own protection you can email it to me if you want at :
I love you twin, I hope things go super smooth for Adri these last couple of weeks . . . :)

Sharae Peterson said...

Congrats mer, that is so exciting. I know alot of people hate running but when i'm running I am at my happiest. (minus when I get cute smile from my itty bitty!)

betsey said...

Go get 'em Meridth! WE are proud of you!

ummm, did you know that Richard and I are running the SLC marathon on April 21st? Sounds like you should join us! It would be amazing to run with you. Just putting it out there my friend :)

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Really thanks guys for being so supportive. I appreciate it lots and lots.

Betsey... April would be a great goal (if I can make it) I've been a little slow on the uptake ;)

I will do my best to be cool like you two!

Vodka Mom said...

holy crap- I'm just getting over that picture! Okay, congrats on the run!! I was a gymnast for 10 years- you wouldn't know it now! I riding the recumbent bike- not as good as running, but as least i'm trying!

LOVE your artwork!!